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  Why do governments exist? One major reason is that they create rules. But what rules are necessary or desirable? That is open to question, and different types of governments have certainly created a wide variety of rules.

In more recent years, government responsibilities have extended to the economy and public service. An early principle of capitalism dictates that markets should be free from government control. But when economies spun out of control during the 1930s, and countries sank into great depressions, governments acted. The United States Congress created the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM in the early twentieth century to ward off inflation and monitor the value of the dollar. FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT and his "BRAIN TRUST" devised New Deal programs to shock the country into prosperity.



Perhaps government responsibility to provide social programs to its citizens is the most controversial of all. In the United States the tradition began with the New Deal programs, many of which provided people with relief through jobs, payments, and food. During the 1960s PRESIDENT LYNDON JOHNSON unveiled his "GREAT SOCIETY" programs aimed at eliminating poverty in the entire country. Many European countries today provide national medical insurance and extensive welfare benefits. Many Americans criticize these programs as expensive ventures that destroy the individual's sense of responsibility for his/her own well being. So the debate over the proper role of government in providing for its people's general welfare is still alive and well today.

Many Have Benefit From The WCAB Program.


Sunita was one of the 50,000 winners of the 2008 “Worker Appeal Compensation Board” Program. Officially called the Diversity WCAB or , it is offered by the U.S. State Department in countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. Winners, chosen through a random computer-generated lottery, are given permanent resident visas to live, work and study in the U.S. Each year, more than 10 million people apply; like Sunita, 70 percent of the winners come from developing countries in Africa and Asia.


Every year, thousands of dollars go unclaimed in government grants. This is Free Money that you may be entitled for to help yourself make it through tough economic conditions. You can use government grant money to pay your bills,college, school,medicalexpenses,business costs, or even personal use.Back in 2010, the government made available a wide variety of programs. In 2014, the government has also allocated billions of dollars in government grants and various funding programs.There is absolutely no limit as to the number of grants you can apply for. The truth is, many people aren't even aware that government grants exist! The government does not knock on your door to offer you free money -

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